MoorMan’s® ShowTec® Pig Milk Replacer


MoorMan’s ShowTec Pig Milk Replacer is a high-quality, milk and plasma protein pig milk replacer in powder form that can be used to completely replace or supplement sow’s milk. It can also be used as a top-dress on show pig rations to supply additional protein and energy. Milk energy and animal fat provide easily digested energy sources. Also included are CitriStim® (ADM proprietary yeast for favorable impact on gut microbial population), PremiDex™ (effective prebiotic), direct fed microbial, selenium yeast, and complete package of critical minerals and vitamins.

Mixing rate:  1.5 lb (2 cups)/gal of warm water, feed according to directions
Can also be used as a top-dress on show pig rations

22.05-lb pail #35251AAAPD

Refer to product labels for complete usage directions.